For people with minimal stress and no severe physical or emotional symptoms.
This is ideal for generally healthy people to maintain their health and well-being with 1 monthly tune-up session per month. to get a monthly health tune-up to ensure they stay healthy.
Not for clients wanting to resolve acute or chronic health conditions. Payments are made monthly, and you may cancel at any time before the 12th month. However, a cancellation fee will apply based on sessions completed.
1 Session / Month
$85 / Month
for 12 Months
For people with minimal stress and no severe physical or emotional symptoms.
This is ideal for generally healthy people to maintain their health and well-being with 1 monthly tune-up session per month. to get a monthly health tune-up to ensure they stay healthy.
Not for clients wanting to resolve acute or chronic health conditions. Payments are made monthly, and you may cancel at any time before the 12th month. However, a cancellation fee will apply based on sessions completed.
1 Session / Month
$85 / Month
for 12 Months
Sara Zimmerman
Sara Ann Zimmerman is a licensed and certified Massage Therapist, since 1998, specializing in sports massage and reflexology. With studies in many different modalities, massages may incorporate some of these modalities as well. She is also an Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner and Access Consciousness® Symphony of Possibilities Practitioner so BARS sessions or SYMPHONY Sessions are also available.
$80 for 60m, $100 for 90m (24 hour cancellation policy)
To schedule a session with Sara, send us a message through the contact form and she will get back with you to set up a time.
About Access Consciousness® Bars
There’s a peace and relaxation possible for everyone in the world, and in receiving a simple process for bodies, called Access Bars, it can occur with total ease. Each Bars session can release 5-10 thousand years of limitation in the area of your life that corresponds with the Bar being touched. This is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, undoing limitation in all aspects of your life with out any effort.
$150. Lasts between 60-90min. (24 hour cancellation policy)