For people with minimal stress and no severe physical or emotional symptoms.
This is ideal for generally healthy people to maintain their health and well-being with 1 monthly tune-up session per month. to get a monthly health tune-up to ensure they stay healthy.
Not for clients wanting to resolve acute or chronic health conditions. Payments are made monthly, and you may cancel at any time before the 12th month. However, a cancellation fee will apply based on sessions completed.
1 Session / Month
$85 / Month
for 12 Months
For people with minimal stress and no severe physical or emotional symptoms.
This is ideal for generally healthy people to maintain their health and well-being with 1 monthly tune-up session per month. to get a monthly health tune-up to ensure they stay healthy.
Not for clients wanting to resolve acute or chronic health conditions. Payments are made monthly, and you may cancel at any time before the 12th month. However, a cancellation fee will apply based on sessions completed.
1 Session / Month
$85 / Month
for 12 Months

Experiencing a Virtual Egg Session
As we each experience life differently, so, too, with remote sessions. Some of us are very sensitive to things, and others of us are not. If you don't feel sensations or have visuals during a session, that does not mean you're NOT receiving the treatment. It just means some people are tuned to feel super subtle energy vibrations. These are also people who often find it difficult to be in public places because the energy of it can feel overwhelming to their systems.
Feedback from a Highly Sensitive Client...
"My boyfriend had an in person Harmonic Egg healing session with Korrine and shared that his experience was very positive and notable. I felt guided, in turn, to experience a Virtual Harmonic Egg distance healing, as I am not local to the Vibrology Center. Being a psychic and healer, I do not allow many to work on me. Therefore, to be so clearly directed to this modality assured me that I was signing up for energy work that had integrity and purity.
Korrine's communication was excellent: she was clear and described the process well. My questions were met with prompt responses. On the day of the healing, I positioned myself in the recliner with a blanket over me. At the designated time, my eyelids began to feel heavy and tingly. They were forced to close quite naturally. I smiled. Shortly after feeling my body buzz, Korrine texted me a picture of the photo I had given her that was now sitting on the chair in the Egg. I laughed! Korrine rang me and informed me that the healing hadn't begun, yet my physical body had begun feeling the energy the healing Egg was offering.
I learned that some clients are more sensitive to the energies and experience an immediate connection before lights and sounds are introduced. We got off the phone and I closed my eyes to enjoy the healing. I channeled Gold and Silver and even Titanium working with me. I connected with an old friend from New York City; I believe I worked through sadness and did forgiveness work around our friendship having broken off. I channeled that the Egg brought me Hope, as well as Courage.
On two or three occasions, I felt a shift of energies. It appeared that I went into a sleep state. My body and mind and heart were happy because I automatically smiled at times out of nowhere. Korrine texted me when the session was over and I rang her to offer her feedback and learn more about what had transpired. To my amazement, I learned that one of the colors she offered to address my concerns was Gold -- the color I had seen in my mind's eye.
The shifting of energies I had felt was actually her changing out music! I feel Korrine is gifted with tailoring the energies to each client's respective set of issues. With confidence, I planned another remote healing to concentrate more on the issues I brought to this session and hasten my healing. I know that this modality being utilized is of high integrity. One is protected and held in grace. (Again, I do not permit most anyone to work on me.) Now I look forward to my next remote session. Thank you, dear one, for offering your gifts for us. Bless you."
~Joanie E., New Jersey